Technical Engineer


Technical Engineer

官网 A specialized company from Europe providing steel Products

A specialized company from Europe providing steel Products, has been in operations in China with manufacturing center in Qingdao for more than 10 years, with fast moving of business, now they are looking for


Title: Technical Engineer

Location: Qingdao


工作内容 Job Description:

1 根据客户的产品要求,对图纸进行转化或绘制生产用图,进行工艺方案、工艺流程的设计,编制工艺卡、BOM表、质量控制点指导书等工艺文件。

According to customer’s product requirements, convert drawings or draw production drawings, design process plan and process flow, and prepare process documents such as process card, BOM and quality control point instruction.

2 与制造部门协作,参与新产品的首件制造,进行首件制造跟踪。

Cooperate with manufacturing department to participate in the first article manufacturing of new products, and carry out first article manufacturing tracking.

3 与品管部密切合作,分析解决加工中的工艺问题

Work closely with the quality control department to analyze and solve the processing problems.

4 对客户投诉的质量问题进行技术分析,给出原因并提出解决方案。

Make technical analysis on quality problems complained by customers, give reasons and propose solutions.

5 为生产等部门提供技术支持,设计相应工装。

Provide technical support for production department and design corresponding tooling.

6 制作技术文件。

Make technical documents.

7 依据公司要求,及时有效的向其它部门提供生产过程中所需要的技术资料以及客户信息;

According to the company’s requirements, timely and effective to provide the technical documentation and customer information to other departments in the production process.

8 不断优化工艺、降低成本;

Optimize manufacturing process and decrease production cost consistently.

9 技术资料、图纸等存档、管理;

File and Manage all the technical documents, drawing,etc.

10 对生产过程进行巡查,以确保生产实际工艺与技术工艺要求相一致;

Keep continual supervising on producing process to control the standard of technology aspect.

11 对日常生产过程提供技术指导;

Bring daily technology support to daily producing.

12 将客户的发货要求及时传达给生产;对发货期间的产品质量进行建议,并准备相关的发货资料文件等;

Timely delivery of customer delivery requirements to production; suggestions for product quality during shipment and preparation of relevant shipping documents;

13 严格贯彻执行各项制度、流程及操作规范,并对执行情况进行监督检查;

Implement all the policies, procedures and operate standards, supervise the execution meantime.

14 与相关部门进行有效的协调与沟通,积极配合其它部门的工作;

Ensure the communicating and coordinating with other departments efficient, cooperate anytime necessary.

15 完成其它临时工作任务。

Finish all the other works required.


任职资格 Position Qualification:

教育背景 Education Background:

1 机械化、焊接或相关专业本科以上学历。

Bachelor degree or above in mechanical, welding or other relative majors.


2 培训经历 Training Record:


Training experience on ISO 9000 or other relative quality management system.


工作经验 Experience:

  1. 至少3年以上工作经验,1年以上技术工程师工作经验。

3 years work experience and more than 1 years experience of technical engineer


能技巧 Management Skill:

4 熟悉钢结构或金属制造业的产品技术管理;

Familiar of product technical management for steel structures and metallic manufacture.

5 熟练使用办公软件和CAD、Solidworks等设计软件;

Fluently use of Microsoft office, CAD, Solidworks or other design software.

6 熟练的英文听、说、读、写能力。

Fluently English speaking, reading, listening and writing.


态    度 Attitude:

7 具有解决复杂问题的能力;

Be capable to solve complicated issues.

8 很强的计划性和实施执行的能力;

Be methodic and organizable

9 诚信、客观、严谨、负责、敬业;

Be trust-worthy, practical, precise, responsible and hardworking.

10 具有很强的人际沟通、协调、组织能力以及高度的团队精神。

Be perfect team worker and good at communicating, coordinating.

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